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Inspiring Quotes 1.03
Gbury Apps
This uplifting app contains 100 famous andinspiring quotes collected from throughout history. Some aremoving, some are funny, all are inspiring. Each quote is displayedin colorful graphics with an accompanying cartoon character. Theapp employs the swiping feature for ease in changing quote pages.This app is compatible with most Android phone and tabletdevices.
Africa Countries and Capitals 1.02
Gbury Apps
Our Learn Africa Countries and Capitals App isan easy-to-use tool for learning the names of 52 differentcountries of the Africa continent along with their capital cities.The program features a Maps section, a Countries Section, and aQuiz section. The maps section has easy to read maps of thecontinent with the country names and the country abbreviations.The Countries section has a colorful detailed map for each ofthe 52 countries including the capital city name and its locationwithin the territory. With the display of each map, the name of thecountry and capital city are narrated for the student to hear theproper pronunciation. To obtain more detailed information about anyof the countries, the student only needs to touch a button and theywill be directed to a related online encyclopediapage.The Quiz section has a multiple choice quiz for identifying thecapital city of each country. If the student selects the wronganswer during the quiz, a message pops up to tell them what thecorrect answer should have been, thus helping the student to learn.The score is tallied as the student progresses through the quiz.After answering the last question, the student is taken to theresults page to see their final score. A report of the results maybe shared by email, text message or post from this page for recordkeeping.This application is self-contained and does not require aninternet connection except for emailing the optional quiz resultsreport or for linking to for more detailedinformation. It is an excellent tool to use by the individualstudent or for an entire class.
New York Color, Play and Learn 1.0
Gbury Apps
Our City of New York, Color, Play and LearnActivity Book app has 15 coloring pages, 8 games, and lots ofinformation about the city. It is a quick, easy and fun approachfor learning about New York City. Kids will enjoy coloring pages ofNew York City landmarks and saving them to the camera roll, as wellas playing puzzle, maze and crossword games. They can also entertheir name for a “Good Citizenship Award”. They will learn aboutthe flag, seal, map, and history of New York City. There are 3coloring modes to choose from; crayons, markers or bucket fill.Each coloring page displays a New York City landmark or icon.Tapping the Save button will save the page to the Camera Roll. Theuser can share or print the coloring pages. This application iscompletely self-contained and does not require internet connection.It is an excellent tool to use by an individual student, an entireclass, or just for fun when traveling on your vacations.Enjoy!
South America Countries 1.02
Gbury Apps
Our Learn South America Countries and CapitalCities app is an easy-to-use tool for learning the names of 17different countries of South America along with their capitalcities. The program features a Maps section, a Countries Section,and a Quiz section. The maps section has easy to read maps of thecontinent with the country names and the country abbreviations.The Countries section has a colorful detailed map for each ofthe 17 countries including the capital city name and its locationwithin the territory. With the display of each map, the name of thecountry and capital city are narrated for the student to hear theproper pronunciation. To obtain more detailed information about anyof the countries, the student only needs to touch a button and theywill be directed to a related online encyclopediapage.The Quiz section has a multiple choice quiz for identifying thecapital city of each country. If the student selects the wronganswer during the quiz, a message pops up to tell them what thecorrect answer should have been, thus helping the student to learn.The score is tallied as the student progresses through the quiz.After answering the last question, the student is taken to theresults page to see their final score. The final score may beshared by email, text message or post from this page.This application is self-contained and does not require aninternet connection except for the optional sharing of the quizscore, or for linking to for more detailed countryinformation. It is an excellent tool to use by the individualstudent or for an entire class.
Math Subtraction Flash Cards 1.07
Gbury Apps
This Math Subtraction Flash Cards app includes78 cards and provides an easy approach for building mathsubtraction skills. Each card displays a subtraction problem from2-1 through 24-12. The cards are divided into 2 groups (25 cardswith number up to to 10 and 53 cards with numbers greater than 10).Tapping the Answer button will show the student the answer to theproblem. This application is completely self-contained and does notrequire internet connection except for emailing the "Recommend ThisApp". It is an excellent tool to use by the individual student orfor an entire class. Compatible with most Android phone and tabletdevices.
Math Fractions Tutorial & Game 1.01
Gbury Apps
This Learning Math Fractions Tutorial and GameApp is a fun and easy-to-use tool for learning about fractionnumbers. The app has a teaching tutorial and a matching fractionsgame. Choose between 2 game levels. Each level has a fraction rulerand 12 tiles with number fractions written on them. Touching a tilewill reveal a colored pie chart representation of the fraction.Match the fractions the ruler display to score in the game. Thisapplication is completely self-contained and does not requireinternet connection except for emailing the "Recommend This App".It is an excellent tool to use by the individual student or for anentire class. Compatible with most Android phone and tabletdevices.
Colors & Shapes Early Learning 1.04
Gbury Apps
This Early Learning Colors and Shapes App withsound is a fun and easy-to-use tool for early learning vocabulary.The sliding cards have colorful detailed pictures of common colorsand shapes. Tapping a picture will reveal the correct word andsound the pronunciation. This application is completelyself-contained and does not require internet connection except foremailing the Recommend This App. It is an excellent tool to use bythe individual student or for an entire class. Compatible with mostAndroid phone and tablet devices.
Canada & Capital Cities 1.01
Gbury Apps
Our Learn Canada and Capital Cities app is aneasy-to-use tool for learning the names of the 10 Provinces and 3Territories of Canada along with their capital cities. The programfeatures a Maps section, a Regions Section, and a Quiz section. Themaps section has easy to read maps of the continent with thecountry names and the country abbreviations.The Regions section has a colorful detailed map for each of the13 regions including the capital city name and its location withinthe region. With the display of each map, the name of the countryand capital city are narrated for the student to hear the properpronunciation. To obtain more detailed information about any of thecountries, the student only needs to touch a button and they willbe directed to a related online encyclopediapage.The Quiz section has a multiple choice quiz for identifying thecapital city of each country. If the student selects the wronganswer during the quiz, a message pops up to tell them what thecorrect answer should have been, thus helping the student to learn.The score is tallied as the student progresses through the quiz.After answering the last question, the student is taken to theresults page to see their final score. The final score may beshared by email, text message or post from this page.This application is self-contained and does not require aninternet connection except for the optional sharing of the quizscore, or for linking to for more detailed countryinformation. It is an excellent tool to use by the individualstudent or for an entire class.• Colorful Canada country, provinces and territories maps• Narrated region and capital city names• Multiple choice capital cities quiz with sharable results• Very easy to use for an individual or an entire class.
United States of America 1.02
Gbury Apps
This Learn the United States of America app isan easy-to-use tool for learning the 50 United States of Americaand their capital cities. Program features separate Maps, States,and Quiz sections. Maps section has easy to read maps with thestate names and abbreviations. State and capital city names arenarrated for the student to hear the proper pronunciation. Quizsection has a multiple choice test for the capital city name oreach state. An excellent tool to use by the individual student orfor an entire class. Compatible with most Android phone and tabletdevices.
Math Addition Flash Cards 1.07
Gbury Apps
This Math Addition Flash Cards app includes 78cards and provides an easy approach for building math additionskills. Each card displays an addition problem from 1+1 through12+12. The cards are divided into 2 groups (25 cards with sums to10 and 53 cards with sums greater than 10). Tapping the Answerbutton will show the student the answer to the problem. Thisapplication is completely self-contained and does not requireinternet connection except for emailing the "Recommend This App".It is an excellent tool to use by the individual student or for anentire class. Compatible with most Android phone and tabletdevices.
North America Countries 1.1
Gbury Apps
Our Learn North America Countries and CapitalCities app is an easy-to-use tool for learning the names of 37different countries of North America along with their capitalcities. The program features a Maps section, a Countries Section,and a Quiz section. The maps section has easy to read maps of thecontinent with the country names and the country abbreviations.The Countries section has a colorful detailed map for each ofthe 37 countries including the capital city name and its locationwithin the territory. With the display of each map, the name of thecountry and capital city are narrated for the student to hear theproper pronunciation. To obtain more detailed information about anyof the countries, the student only needs to touch a button and theywill be directed to a related online encyclopediapage.The Quiz section has a multiple choice quiz for identifying thecapital city of each country. If the student selects the wronganswer during the quiz, a message pops up to tell them what thecorrect answer should have been, thus helping the student to learn.The score is tallied as the student progresses through the quiz.After answering the last question, the student is taken to theresults page to see their final score. The final score may beshared by email, text message or post from this page.This application is self-contained and does not require aninternet connection except for the optional sharing of the quizscore, or for linking to for more detailed countryinformation. It is an excellent tool to use by the individualstudent or for an entire class.
Math Division Flash Cards 1.09
Gbury Apps
Our Math Division Flash Cards app includes 78cards and provides an easy approach for building math divisionskills. Each card displays a whole number division problem from 1/1through 144/12. Tapping the Answer button will show the student theanswer to the problem. This application is completelyself-contained and does not require internet connection except foremailing the "Recommend This App". It is an excellent tool to useby the individual student or for an entire class. Compatible withmost Android phone and tablet devices.
Math Multiplication Table Game 1.01
Gbury Apps
This Math Multiplication Times Table Game App(Times Table Game) is a fun and easy-to-use tool for learning mathmultiplication. The game has a touch button multiplication tablewith 144 buttons. Touching a table button will reveal acorresponding multiplication problem. Answer the problems correctlyto score in the game. This application is completely self-containedand does not require internet connection except for emailing the"Recommend This App". It is an excellent tool to use by theindividual student or for an entire class. Compatible with mostAndroid phone and tablet devices.
Asia Countries and Capitals 1.02
Gbury Apps
Our Learn Asia Countries and Capital Citiesappis an easy-to-use tool for learning the names of 37differentcountries of Asia along with their capital cities. Theprogramfeatures a Maps section, a Countries Section, and a Quizsection.The maps section has easy to read maps of the continentwith thecountry names and the country abbreviations.The Countries section has a colorful detailed map for each ofthe51 countries including the capital city name and its locationwithinthe territory. With the display of each map, the name of thecountryand capital city are narrated for the student to hear theproperpronunciation. To obtain more detailed information about anyof thecountries, the student only needs to touch a button and theywill bedirected to a related online encyclopediapage.The Quiz section has a multiple choice quiz for identifyingthecapital city of each country. If the student selects thewronganswer during the quiz, a message pops up to tell them whatthecorrect answer should have been, thus helping the student tolearn.The score is tallied as the student progresses through thequiz.After answering the last question, the student is taken totheresults page to see their final score. The final score maybeshared by email, text message or post from this page.This application is self-contained and does not requireaninternet connection except for the optional sharing of thequizscore, or for linking to for more detailedcountryinformation. It is an excellent tool to use by theindividualstudent or for an entire class.
United States Abbreviations 1.04
Gbury Apps
This (USA) United StatesAbbreviationsFlashcards App is a fun and easy-to-use tool forlearning the namesof the 2 letter abbreviations for each of 50United States ofAmerica. The sliding flashcards have a colorfuldetailed map foreach of the 50 states. Tapping a flashcard willreveal theabbreviation for that state. A student study list is alsoincluded.This application is completely self-contained and does notrequireinternet connection except for emailing the "Recommend ThisApp".It is an excellent tool to use by the individual student orfor anentire class. Compatible with most Android phone andtabletdevices.
The Stupendous Memory Game 1.0
Gbury Apps
The Stupendous Memory Matching Game is funandeasy to play. There are 10 Levels to play, each withincreasingdifficulty. The tile pictures range from simple images tonumbersand complex shapes. Touching a tile will reveal its hiddenimage.Match the tiles to score in the game. You can share yourwinningscore with your friends and defy them to beat you. Theapplicationis completely self-contained and does not requireinternetconnection except for emailing or posting the “Share YourScore” or"Recommend This App".
United States Capital Cities 1.03
Gbury Apps
This (USA) United States CapitalCitiesFlashcards App is a fun and easy-to-use tool for learning thenamesof the capital cities for each of 50 United States of America.Thesliding flashcards have a colorful detailed map for each of the50states. Tapping a flashcard will reveal the card image torevealthe name of the capital city. A student study list isalsoincluded. This application is completely self-contained anddoesnot require internet connection except for emailing the"RecommendThis App". It is an excellent tool to use by theindividual studentor for an entire class. Compatible with mostAndroid phone andtablet devices.
Alphabet Picture Words 1.04
Gbury Apps
This Alphabet Picture Words with Sound app isafun and easy-to-use tool for learning the alphabet. Theslidingalphabet cards have a colorful detailed picture for each ofthe 26letters of the English alphabet. Tapping a card will revealandannounce the associated upper and lower case letters.Thisapplication is completely self-contained and does notrequireinternet connection except for emailing the "Recommend ThisApp".It is an excellent tool to use by the individual student orfor anentire class. Compatible with most Android phone andtabletdevices.
Math Multiplication FlashCards 1.08
Gbury Apps
This Math Multiplication Flash Cardsappincludes 78 cards and provides an easy approach for buildingmathmultiplication skills. Each card displays a multiplicationproblemfrom 1x1 through 12x12. Tapping the Answer button will showthestudent the answer to the problem. This application iscompletelyself-contained and does not require internet connectionexcept foremailing the "Recommend This App". It is an excellenttool to useby the individual student or for an entire class.Compatible withmost Android phone and tablet devices.
Math Decimals & Fractions Game 1.01
Gbury Apps
This Decimals & Fractions Matching Game is a fun andeasy-to-use tool for learning math decimals & equivalentfractions. Choose between 2 game levels. Each level has 16 tileswith number fractions and decimals written on them. Touching a tilewill reveal a colored pie chart representation. Match the decimalnumbers to the equivalent fractions to score in the game. Thisapplication is completely self-contained and does not requireinternet connection except for emailing the "Recommend This App".It is an excellent tool to use by the individual student or for anentire class. Compatible with most Android phone and tabletdevices.
Equivalent Fractions Matching 1.04
Gbury Apps
This Equivalent Fractions Matching Game Appisa fun and easy-to-use tool for learning math equivalentfractions.Choose between 2 game levels. Each level has 16 tileswith numberfractions written on them. Touching a tile will reveal acoloredpie chart representation of the fraction. Match theequivalentfractions to score in the game. This application iscompletelyself-contained and does not require internet connectionexcept foremailing the "Recommend This App". It is an excellenttool to useby the individual student or for an entire class.Compatible withmost Android phone and tablet devices.
Australia and South Pacific 1.01
Gbury Apps
Our Learn Australia and South Pacific Countries and CapitalCitiesapp is an easy-to-use tool for learning the names of 23differentcountries of Australia and the South Pacific along withtheircapital cities. The program features a Maps section, aCountriesSection, and a Quiz section. The maps section has easy toread mapsof the continent with the country names and thecountryabbreviations. The Countries section has a colorful detailedmapfor each of the23 countries including the capital city name anditslocation within the territory. With the display of each map,thename of the country and capital city are narrated for thestudentto hear the proper pronunciation. To obtain moredetailedinformation about any of the countries, the student onlyneeds totouch a button and they will be directed to a relatedWikipedia.comonline encyclopedia page. The Quiz section has amultiple choicequiz for identifying the capital city of eachcountry. If thestudent selects the wrong answer during the quiz, amessage pops upto tell them what the correct answer should havebeen, thus helpingthe student to learn. The score is tallied as thestudentprogresses through the quiz. After answering the lastquestion, thestudent is taken to the results page to see theirfinal score. Thefinal score may be shared by email, text message orpost from thispage. This application is self-contained and does notrequire aninternet connection except for the optional sharing ofthe quizscore, or for linking to for more detailedcountryinformation. It is an excellent tool to use by theindividualstudent or for an entire class.